The promised power from the Jaitapur nuclear project may light up the area, but Nandkumar Raut already finds the future dark. “Almost every family in the village has a police case against at least one member,” said the farmer from Madban, the village closest to the project site in Maharashtra’s Ratnagiri district. Raut said he has at least three cases foisted on him — one barring him from entering his own village...
Hazare insists on joint panel to draft Lokpal Bill
72-year-old Hazare, who has lost 1.5 kg in the past three days, said there was no need for anyone to worry about his health as he can go with the fast for another seven days As his fast-unto-death on the Lokpal issue entered the third day, Gandhian Anna Hazare on Thursday stuck to the demand for a joint committee of civil society members and government representatives to draft a strong Lokpal...
More »Kerala set to see fall in population growth by Tina Edwin
Call it the curse of development. Kerala seems set to experience negative rate of growth of population, much like developed Europe and japan in the recent decades, trends visible from the provisional results of Census 2011 suggest. The state recorded its slowest decadal increase in population of 4.8% between 2001 and 2011, or a compounded average annual growth rate of 0.48%. In contrast, the population of the country as a whole...
More »Taming international food inflation by Anwarul Hoda
What can make a real difference to food prices is determined international action to increase food production in regions that are richly endowed with land and water resources High food inflation has been the source of major concern in India for more than a year. Soaring food prices have been the cause of unease internationally as well. A Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) press release of 3 March, 2011 indicates that...
More »Made-in-India reactors easier to regulate, says Jairam Ramesh by Priscilla Jebaraj
India's nuclear power growth must come from home-made heavy water reactors rather than foreign reactors using a variety of technologies in order to avoid Fukushima-style meltdowns, according to Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh. In a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last week, Mr. Ramesh communicated the concerns of his Ministry regarding the safety of nuclear power as well as the public perception of that safety. He argues that Indian regulators have expertise...
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