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Empower through ‘e-panchayats’ -KP Shashidharan

-The Hindu Business Line The National e-Governance Plan can ensure that higher devolution of funds translates into improved outcomes Cutting edge technology is, no doubt, empowering. The right application of technology can boost productivity in all SECtors of the economy: agriculture, manufacturing, services, business and governmental activities. Technology enables informed decision-making, stakeholder participation and efficient service delivery and can help ensure transparency, accountability, and rule of law leading to inclusive good governance....

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Progress of rains less than ideal -Aditi Nayar

-The Hindu Business Line Low ground water levels have led to sluggish start to sowing of most kharif crops Pay Commission payouts may be a welcome shower of salary, but monsoon showers matter most for the economy. Why so? The proportion of the country’s working population dependent on agriculture was at 38 per cent in 2011-12 — and this, even as the share of agriculture in the Indian economy stood at a modest 15...

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Fisheries subsidies: India wants WTO to provide relief to small fishermen -Amiti Sen

-The Hindu Business Line Points out that many will starve and lose their livelihood without govt support New Delhi: Citing the vulnerability of its small-scale fishing fleet and the need to ensure food SECurity, India has demanded special and differential treatment in fishery subsidy disciplines being negotiated at the World Trade Organization (WTO) so that support to small and marginal fishermen gets exempted. In a recent meeting in Geneva on laying ground rules...

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APSFC formed in Arunachal

-PTI Itanagar: To implement the National Food SECurity Act (NFSA) 2013 more effectively, the state government has constituted the Arunachal Pradesh State Food Commission (APSFC). Exercising the powers conferred under SECtion 16 of NFSA, the state governor has delegated the Arunachal Pradesh State Information Commission as the State Food Commission with its supporting staff to discharge the work of the regulatory body for hearing of consumer grievances under the Act, an official...

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Making a mockery of the right to education -Swati Narayan The state government, heavily influenced by the private school lobby, had twisted the law’s rules so much that very few eligible children could jump through its hoops Rohith Vemula’s case brought to the fore the depth of caste and class prejudices institutionally embedded in India’s education system. Babasaheb Ambedkar described these as, “an artificial chopping off of the population into fixed and definite units, each one prevented from fusing into...

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