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Dakan! Fighting violence against women by Kavita Srivastava

Important draft legislation was recently unveiled in Rajasthan that would impose serious punishment for ‘witch-hunting’. Getting legislators to sign off on the bill, however, will prove difficult. Over the years, the women’s movement in Rajasthan has had some success in making violence against women into an Important political issue. Activists have forced political parties and governments to demonstrate that they are addressing this constituency, which the media has dubbed ‘Mahila Sangathan’....

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The right to skills by Manish Sabharwal

It’s been raining “rights” in Indian policy for the last few years — education, work, food, service, healthcare, and much else. This “Diet Coke” approach to poverty reduction — the sweetness without the calories — was always dangerous because of unknown side effects. Commenting in 1790 on the consequences of the French Revolution, Edmund Burke said: “They have found their punishment in their success. Laws overturned, tribunals subverted, industry without...

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Farmers reach pact with Noida authority by Ayesha Arvind

Homebuyers in Noida can breathe easy. In an Important breakthrough, the city's villages have decided to call off their recent agitation over land acquisition-related issues. After arriving at a settlement with Noida Authority on Saturday, the farmers promised not to disrupt work at any of the project sites. However, the agreement does not affect the fate of projects in Noida Extension, where negotiations are still on between farmers and Greater...

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Another fast from Anna Hazare won't help the Lokpal, the country and civil society leaders by Saubhik Chakrabarti

Anna Hazare has called the cabinet-cleared version of theLokpal bill a "deceit on the nation". That kind of rhetoric pretty much indicates Anna and Co's future plans. If they stick to those kinds of plans (Jantar Mantar protest theatre redux), this group of prominent people would miss a great opportunity - the opportunity to demonstrate their maturity. Yes, the cabinet has cleared a Lokpal bill that differs in Important respects with...

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Draft land acquisition law unveiled by Ruhi Tewari & Liz Mathew

The Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government’s proposed land acquisition law, a politically sensitive and critical piece of legislation that could potentially remove a big roadblock to industrial investment, aims to address rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R), providing safeguards for both land owners and livelihood losers, while clearly defining the “public purpose” for which land can be acquired by the government. “This draft Bill seeks to balance the need for facilitating land acquisition...

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