In order to reduce intra-regional disparity and better targeting of schemes and projects in North Eastern States the Ministry of Development of North East Region (DoNER) has prepared a composite “District Infrastructure Index (DII)” for all the districts of the region. The DII is based on seven broad indicators — transport facilities in terms of road density and road quality, energy, Water supply, education, health facilities, communication infrastructure and banking facilities. The...
The Land Bank Ledger by Sugata Srinivasaraju
The Karnataka government is getting ready to host the Global Investors Meet (3- 4 June). A similar jamboree held some years ago, when S M Krishna was chief minister, had been a resounding flop, but this one, the government believes, would be a runaway success. There has been no dearth of publicity for the event in the media and there has been no shortage of roadshows on foreign soil. A...
More »Making profit out of 'poverty' by SA Aiyar
Caste proponents say the census must include questions on caste to establish true caste ratios. Opponents say questions on caste are socially divisive. They also raise a behavioural objection: the very announcement of a caste census could encourage people to claim, fraudulently, that they belong to a caste entitled to reservations. This behavioural objection applies as forcefully to surveys for determining poverty. The National Sample Survey Organization conducts periodic surveys on...
More »Punjab: Good harvest but no place to store it
Free from harvesting Palvinder Singh is a happy man. This year his wheat harvest was up to his expectation and as a gesture of thanks giving, he, along with other farmers of a village near Sirhind are offering sweet Water to people. He says this year his input cost was less and output more, which means he has made a profit of more than Rs 10,000 from his one acre...
More »A case of too little, too late or is there some cause for celebration? : The RTE Act 2009 by Dipa Sinha
India’s record in providing education to its children has been very poor. Low education levels have an impact on income, productivity, health status and standard of living. As per 2001 Census, the overall literacy rate of India is still only 65.4%, with many states having a literacy rate less than the national average. While the male literacy rate is around 76%, only about 54% females are literate1. What is important...
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