-Rediff.com Mankind is draining the earth's resources so quickly that the globe would be bled dry before the end of the century at this rate, a new report has revealed. According to the 2012 World Wildlife Fund's 'Living Planet Report' released this month, humans are living outside their means, depleting natural resources like forests, air and water 50 per cent faster than the planet can renew. If the trends aren't reversed, by...
Unsold jute bags stack up, but govt OKs import-Deeptimaan Tiwary
Even as the government races against time to procure enough jute bags to store grains in the face of record procurement , gunnysack traders are saddled with massive unsold stocks. A look at the godowns of some traders in the national capital alone shows there is no shortage of jute bags in the country. While the central government has placed an order for four lakh jute bags to be imported from...
More »Govt mustn’t buy land for private parties: House
-The Times of India A parliamentary panel has recommended that government keep away from land purchase for private parties, contrary to the provision made in the pending land acquisition bill, striking at the heart of the Centre's plan to facilitate acquisition for industry and townships with better compensation. The standing committee's blanket bar on acquisition for private bodies, including Public Private Partnership for projects defined as public purpose, strikes down the clause...
More »Food prices double in UPA’s term-Sidhartha
If inflation has broken the back of the aam aadmi, the biggest contributor to the pain in the UPA's term is Food prices. Government data on wholesale price index (WPI) shows that there has been a 63% increase in the price of all commodities between April 2004, a month before UPA took charge, and April 2012, the latest period for which data is available. But when it comes to Food products,...
More »No shelter, Myanmar refugees asked to move out yet again-Shaswati Das
Twenty-seven-year-old Amina (name changed) is in the eighth month of her pregnancy. But this immigrant from the Rohingya community from Myanmar is more worried about getting a shelter over her head than the bundle of joy she would be holding in her arms very soon. She is among the 2,500-odd Rohingya refugees who were camping at Vasant Vihar before they moved to Sultan Garhi on May 8. They not only lack...
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