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The Kerala Conundrum by Ashok Sanjay Guha

Per capita income, once regarded as the best index of the welfare of a society, has long since been dethroned from this status. People have argued persuasively that it is a measure that ignores not only income distribution but also the quality of life. Alternative approaches have been designed to explore these nuances of measurement and alternative indices constructed. Amartya Sen has developed a ‘capabilities approach’ to the question of...

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Gap between rich and poor widening: Brinda

Communist Party of India (Marxist) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat has charged the Centre with formulating economic policies which had allegedly widened the divide between poor and rich. “In the last ten years, the poor became poorer and rich became richer due to the liberal economic policy of the UPA government. The women are the worst affected as they suffer from malnutrition and anaemia,” she said. While addressing Ganatantrik Nari Samiti, the...

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Bid to bring MGNREGA pay at par with minimum wages by Anindo Dey

With the state government finally increasing the minimum wages by 35% from January 1, 2011, the focus of the on-going Mazdoor Haq Yatra in the state is now on increasing the wages under MGNREGA from the current freeze at Rs 100 to meet the minimum wages. Not only activists of the Yatra plan to rake up this issue nationally, but with their prime demands from the state met, the entire focus...

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NE farmers fail to avail loan: Pawar

Union Minister for Agriculture Sharad Pawar today expressed unhappiness over non-availing of agricultural  loan by the farmers of the North-Eastern States in the way it was expected, which he feels has hampered investment and finally the overall agricultural production of the region. "Though the Centre has doubled the agricultural credit amount recently and Centre has been able to disburse Rs 3, 50,000 crore this year, the North Eastern States have not...

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The mass job guarantee by Aruna Roy & Nachiket Udupa

  The sea change that India’s national scheme for rural employment guarantee has accomplished is hard to fathom, its vastness touching the lives or more than 100 million people. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act of 2005 (NREGA, subsequently renamed after Mahatma Gandhi, or MGNREGA) was a landmark in Indian legislation. Under the act, as of April 2008, for the first time in India’s history, all rural citizens have a legal right...

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