-The Deccan Herald Government should issue guidelines on fee structure To urge the state government to notify the rules framed for implementing Right to Education (RTE) ACT, Shikshana Sampanmoola Kendragala Okkuta, Dakshina Kannada district, SDMC Sanchalana Samiti, and other like-minded organisations staged a protest, in front of Deputy Commissioner’s office on Monday. Addressing the meeting, Campaign Against Child Labour district convener Renny D’Souza said that the draft of the rules are ready. However,...
Poverty rises in Northeast
-The Telegraph Guwahati may be waiting for its Mercedes Benz debut but the state’s poor have become poorer in the past five years, with Assam and four other states of the Northeast recording a rise in poverty levels, Planning Commission figures revealed today. Assam now has 116.4 lakh persons living below the poverty line, Manipur 12.5 lakh, Meghalaya 4.9 lakh, Mizoram 2.3 lakh, Tripura 6.3 lakh, Nagaland 4.1 lakh and Arunachal Pradesh...
More »Food bill threat to fiscal discipline
-The Telegraph Annual expenses for the government’s food security programme have been estimated at Rs 112,205 crore, which will make it very difficult for the government to fulfill its commitments on checking fiscal deficit. Food and consumers affairs minister K.V. Thomas disclosed the massive bill on the programme today in the Rajya Sabha, though no mention of this was made in Friday’s budget. Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee had just said he would foot...
More »B-schools out of business-Basant Kumar Mohanty
Some 134 private management institutes have this year sought technical education regulator AICTE’s permission to close down citing a lack of students, strengthening a trend that began last year. Government academics blamed the dwindling student interest in these private institutes on the “substandard education” they offer. B- school promoters, however, put the blame on the AICTE, saying the way it had allowed private management colleges to mushroom had led to supply...
More »‘Food inflation can push 3 cr Indians into extreme poverty’
-First Post A ten percent spike in food prices could push 30 millions more people into extreme poverty in India, a report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has said. Ironically, data released by the Planning Commission on Monday showed that poverty had declined significantly between 2004-2005 and 2009-2010.In absolute terms, there were 35.5 crore poor people in 2009-10 against 40.7 crore five years earlier. As per the data, poverty across the...
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