Total Matching Records found : 12809

498 Indians hold offshore A/Cs in tax havens

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: A database of one lakh offshore entities in tax havens owned by, among others, 498 Indians with addresses in upscale enclaves in major cities, generated a huge buzz on Saturday with agencies expected to try and decipher the disclosures. The last tranche of disclosures came out in April, among them were names of industrialists Vijay Mallya and Ravikant Ruia and Congress MP Vivekanand Gaddam, although nothing...

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‘Stranger rape’ rises over 10% -Rukmini Shrinivasan

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Was 2012 the most dangerous year for women in the capital in the recent past? One statistic would seem to suggest so: the proportion of rapes committed by men who were strangers to the victim rose above 2% for the first time in five years to cross 10%. 'Stranger rape' of the type that occurred in Delhi on December 16 last year tends to form...

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Uttar Pradesh most unsafe place for children -Pervez Iqbal Siddiqui

-The Times of India LUCKNOW: The news is worrying. Uttar Pradesh has emerged as the most unsafe state for children in the country. The latest report of the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) says UP tops the list of crime against children in 2012. The state reported 15.8% of total crime against children cases last year. UP is also ranked second in crime against women. Madhya Pradesh is a close second with...

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A case of misplaced euphoria -Vani S Kulkarni and Raghav Gaiha

-The Hindu     In spite of the rosy picture painted by the World Bank, the prospect of eliminating extreme poverty remains distant In a protracted period of gloom and persistent recession with feeble signs of recovery in a large part of the developed world, the World Bank, Brookings Institution and others can be forgiven for their euphoria over the accomplishment of a key Millennium Development Goal (MDG) - of halving extreme poverty in...

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Six people who pulled strategic levers to open up political parties' finances -Soma Banerjee

-The Economic Times If India is now debating opening the books and operations of political parties to the public, it's because of these six people who pulled strategic levers and applied relentless pressure. Soma Banerjee traces a four-year effort that converted intent to action Balwant Singh Khera, a politician from Hoshiarpur in Punjab, is not a name that will strike a chord in mainstream politics or social discourse today. It might in...

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