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India may miss nutrition targets

-The Hindu Global Nutrition Report says it has highest rates of inequalities in malnutrition. India is among 88 countries that are likely to miss global nutrition targets by 2025, according to the Global Nutrition Report 2020 released on Tuesday. It also identified the country as one with the highest rates of domestic inequalities in malnutrition. In 2012, the World Health Assembly identified six nutrition targets for maternal, infant and young child nutrition to...

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In the Western Ghats, 2.2 lakh trees will be axed to make way for upcoming rail line -Kapil Kajal The line, connecting Hubballi and Ankola, poses a risk to 2,500 endemic species. On March 20, the controversial Hubballi-Ankola railway line project was cleared at the Karnataka State Wildlife Board meeting in Bengaluru amid protests from members. The proposed 164.44-km line will pass through the Western Ghats, a United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation World Heritage Site, and see felling of 2.2 lakh trees, a move that has been opposed...

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Equal freedom and forced labour -Gautam Bhatia

-The Hindu The steps being taken by States, under the cover of COVID-19, of removing labour laws are grossly unconstitutional Soon after Independence, while the Constitution of a free India was being drafted, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chairperson of the Drafting Committee, was asked to prepare a note on the idea of Fundamental Rights. In a terse document, B.R. Ambedkar observed that thus far, the purpose of Constitutions had been to limit...

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As cane dues cross Rs 14,200 crore, UP sugar mills petition state govt -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express UP mills have, in the current 2019-20 sugar season (October-September) as of May 8, crushed 10,565.49 lakh quintals of cane and produced 120.01 lakh tonnes (lt) of sugar. With cane payment arrears to farmers crossing Rs 14,200 crore, sugar mills in Uttar Pradesh have sought a cash subsidy bailout from the state government to enable them to discharge their outstanding dues. “In this hour of deep crisis, we look upon...

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Migrants’ vulnerability is newly visible, but not new -Radhika Jha

-The Indian Express Ever since the lockdown was enforced on March 25, there has been ever-increasing uncertainty about the welfare, if not the basic survival, of the vulnerable sections of the society, many of whom depend on daily wages for their sustenance. India witnessed a tragic irony last week when 16 migrants, part of a group of 20 headed towards their villages in Madhya Pradesh and who were hoping to board a...

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