Total Matching Records found : 21819

All govt websites to be made differently-abled friendly

-PTI If a website is noticed with barriers for the visually impaired browsers, it would be upgraded with necessary tools In a major initiative, people with disabilities will be able to easily access government websites across the country as steps are being taken to enhance their features. As many as 6,000 websites of the Centre and state governments would be covered out of which 50 per cent would be made fully accessible for...

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Green PLAn for highways: 1% project cost to be set aside to PLAnt trees -Anil Sasi & Sharmistha Mukherjee

-The Indian Express PLAnting fruit-bearing trees specific to the region can aid revenue generation The road ministry has finalised a “green highways” policy to “tree-line” 140,000 kilometres of national highways. Under this policy, one per cent of the civil cost of national highway development projects will have to be set aside for the PLAnting of trees in a PLAnned manner, covering both existing NH sections and new routes that would be added...

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Socio Economic Caste Census: Has It Ignored Too Many Poor Households? -NC Saxena

-Economic and Political Weekly A survey to identify who the poor are and how many are actually poor is necessary if programmes and benefits targeted at the needy are to reach them. The Socio Economic Caste Census, of which partial results have been published, was intended to do this. Yet, even a cursory look at the figures indicates that they call for a willing suspension of disbelief. N C Saxena ( was...

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A subsidy and some questions

-The Hindu The Central government’s decision this week to extend the interest subvention scheme on bank loans given to land-owning farmers at 7 per cent is essentially a welcome move. This is especially so in a context where there is no real clarity on how the current monsoon will turn out to be, running at a deficit of 7 per cent as it does currently. With an additional subvention component of...

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Undervaluing privacy

-The Hindu The Attorney General’s contention in the Supreme Court that privacy is not a fundamental right is disquieting in the context of the ongoing debate over the implications of the collection of biometric data from citizens. It is true that the AG was only replying to the question whether making people part with personal data was not an intrusion into their privacy, and saying that there is a need to...

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