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Rural markets hold the key for India's mobile growth by John Ribeiro

India's mobile market continues to boom but there are signs of saturation, particularly in urban markets, according to analysts. The country's urban market, which accounts for only 30 percent of the country's population but 70 percent of telecommunications subscribers, is close to saturation, research firm iSuppli said Wednesday. However, iSuppli expects the rural market to pick up the slack in urban markets. India will have more than 1.2 billion mobile subscribers...

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India’s entitlement dilemmas

A pilot project on refining methods of counting the poor is attractive at a time when entitlement to welfare schemes is hotly debated Targeted approaches to delivering food and other goods often attract criticism from different quarters. Exclusion of deserving individuals and inclusion of those who are better off have marred programmes such as the Public Distribution System (PDS), so much so that universalization has been recommended as a panacea to...

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Rajasthan village uses touch screen to find jobs

At a small village in Rajasthan's Bhilwara, job searches have gone high-tech. Villagers can now find jobs provided by the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, simply with a touch of their finger. At a kiosk set up by the NGO OneWorld Foundation India, the worker can just place his thumb on the scanner, and his job status will pop up on the screen. It is also delivered by a recorded voice. "Earlier,...

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MGNREGA: Mixed success so far

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MG-NREGA) has been in news mainly due to corruption or inefficiency. The country has spent close to Rs 40,000 crore this fiscal but a large number of urban middle class people and opinion leaders don’t know what to make of it. Cynicism apart, the rights-based scheme has proved to be a game-changer in Rural India despite mixed success. The scheme has been relatively...

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To not land in trouble by Pranab Bardhan

In the last few years in different parts of India the issue of land acquisition has become politically explosive.  This isn’t surprising as land, one of the few assets possessed by large numbers of people, particularly in Rural India, is rising disproportionately in potential value as commercial and industrial development picks up, as there is never a dearth of real estate magnates, land speculators, local mafia, their political patrons and...

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