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Climate funding may need taxes on flight tickets and forex deals, says U.N. report

Taxes on international flights, shipping and financial transactions, as well as a global carbon price of $20 to $25 may be key to annually mobilising $100 billion in climate funding by 2020, according to the United Nations high-level advisory group on climate change financing, which submitted its report in New York on Friday. At the U.N. climate summit held in Copenhagen last year, developed countries committed to a goal of jointly...

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Deprivation and disparities by PS Appu

Could India's mock war on poverty ever turn real? India became independent 63 years ago. Since Independence the country has implemented 10 Five Year Plans and a few Annual Plans. Currently the 11th Plan is being executed. Efforts made during the last six decades have resulted in the modernisation of a stagnant economy and India's emergence as a major industrial power. This period also witnessed remarkable progress in agricultural production. But India...

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A new target

The ‘Aichi Target' adopted by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at its Nagoya conference could not have come at a more appropriate time. The journal Science recently published a study by Michael Hoffmann and his colleagues titled “The Impact of Conservation on the Status of the World's Vertebrates.” This presents depressing data on threatened species. The scientists conclude that four important factors — agricultural expansion, logging, over-exploitation, and invasive...

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UIAI to provide 60 crore UID cards in four years

Unique Identification Authority of India (UIAI) is targeting to provide 60 crore Unique Identificationcards during the next four years. Delivering Pradyumna Bal Memorial lecture here on Sunday evening, UIAI chairperson Nandan Nilekani said the authority issued first sets of UID cards number 20,000 to 42,000 since September this year. The project, however, was facing challenge of inclusion of deprived and effective implementation, Mr. Nilekani said. Large numbers of Indians do not...

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Profs ask Ramesh to scrap project

As environment minister Jairam Ramesh gets close to deciding the fate of $12 billion Posco’s steel plant in Orissa, civil society pressure from India and around the world is mounting to scrap the project. Around 40 business schools professors have urged Ramesh to look into the dubious data produced by Orissa to convince importance of the Posco’s project of steel plant and a port. The professors, who analysed reports submitted by different...

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