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Deceased farmers' kin march to Delhi to find their voice -Nikita Doval and Sayantan Bera Hundreds of farmers came to Delhi to tell their stories, but their problems are similar: crop failures, rising debt, losses from farming due to low crop prices leading to suicides New Delhi: A copy of the Telugu daily Sakshi, dating back to 2015, is M. Lakshmi Devi’s constant companion. The newspaper, a part of which is stained by tea, contains a report about the suicide of a debt-burdened farmer—her husband. “We had...

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Price collapse: The MSP mirage -Parthasarathi Biswas

-The Indian Express Modi government’s decision to hike import duty on edible oils has come too little, too late for soyabean farmers Latur: Arun Kulkarni planted soyabean on 10 out of his 14-acre holding in the recent kharif season and harvested 65 quintals of the crop towards September-end. But unlike most of his neighbours, this farmer from Tandulja village in Latur — Maharashtra’s largest soyabean-growing district and the country’s No. 2...

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Bengal farmers smell opportunity in aromatic rice -Shobha Roy

-The Hindu Business Line Strong demand, remunerative prices are the encouraging factors Kolkata: The uncertainty around production and prices of the common variety of paddy, Swarna, and the prospect of earning better INCome are driving farmers in Burdwan district of West Bengal to go in for the cultivation of gobindobhog, a premium variety of aromatic rice. Gobindobhog, which got the GI (Geographical Indication) tag in August, is primarily cultivated in East Burdwan district...

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India faces 'food security' hurdle in WTO -Amiti Sen

-The Hindu Business Line Members such as Canada, EU, US want stiffer safeguards for public stock holding India’s demand for a permanent solution on public stockholding subsidies at the World Trade Organization (WTO) is being challenged by several members, INCluding Canada, the EU and the US, which are insisting on stiffer safeguards, restricted product coverage and a linkage with pruning of overall domestic support. “As the deadline for coming up with a permanent...

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At Upcoming WTO Meet, India and Other Developing Countries to Try and Keep Focus on Doha Agenda -Noor Mohammad Developed countries want to INClude new issues like e-commerce, investment facilitation and government procurement in the discussion. New Delhi: Battle lines have been drawn between developed and developing countries over the agenda for the forthcoming WTO ministerial conference at Buenos Aires, with India saying it will oppose discussion on new issues like e-commerce, investment facilitation and government procurement. If India remains firm on its stand, the upcoming ministerial, to be held from...

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