Total Matching Records found : 8870

Panchayati raj: Key to good governance and inclusion-Anil Padmanabhan

-Live Mint It's obvious that Indian experience with local governance is not what it should have been, but a change is underway Later this week, the country will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the constitutional amendments that made it mandatory for the creation of panchayats-the village-level bodies that deliver self-governance. Most may not be aware that this could well have been the eve of its 25th anniversary, but for the three-vote defeat...

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Death of a young man-Prabhat Patnaik

-The Telegraph Since I belong to the Left, I know I am likely to be prejudiced against Mamata Banerjee. I try to guard against this prejudice. I try not to let my overall political stance colour my judgment of particular events associated with her. For the last several days, therefore, I have tried to ignore the attacks on Communist Party of India (Marxist) offices in West Bengal in the wake of the...

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Modi’s Pals-Himanshu Upadhaya

-Hard News While Narendra Modi's apologists will selectively quote from the latest CAG audit report on state finances that revenue earning has registered an upswing, they will compulsively forget that "the fiscal deficit of Rs 11,027 crore in 2011-12 was met out from a net borrowing of Rs 15,083 crore". The CAG has remarked that "an increase of 41 per cent in the market borrowing in 2011-12 over previous year for...

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Bengal in damage control, Saradha Group bust brings memories of '80s

-PTI KOLKATA: The West Bengal government has stepped in for damage control after chit fund company Saradha Group went bust reviving memories of the collapse of Sanchayita Investments in the early eighties when several investors and agents committed suicide. Sanchayita collected more than Rs 120 crore in 1980 before its offices were raided and it folded up with only a handful of people getting back a minuscule amount of money. Two main...

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1 million trees raised in 5 districts -P Oppili

-The Hindu Carbon credit system paying rich dividends to farmers too Chennai: In a silent afforestation campaign, a private company has successfully raised more than a million trees on private lands in five districts in the State and recorded a survival rate of 90 per cent. Giving details to The Hindu about the successful planting of saplings and raising them to trees, A. Joseph Rexon, Director, TIST Tree Planting India programme, said it...

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