-The Indian Express Former Haryana chief minister Om Prakash Chautala, his son Ajay Chautala and two IAS officers were among 55 people convicted by a special CBI court in New Delhi Wednesday of illegally recruiting teachers in 1999. All 55 convicts in the case, known as the JBT (Junior Basic Trained teachers) recruitment scam, were taken into judicial custody and sent to Tihar jail until January 22, when the court is scheduled...
Rape count rises in Delhi
-The Telegraph About 706 cases of rape were reported in Delhi in 2012, the highest in the past decade. The statistics have brought into focus how unsafe the national capital has become for women over the past few years. A total of 572 rape cases were reported in 2011 as against 507 in 2010, 469 in 2009 and 466 in 2008. The annual report presented by Delhi police commissioner Neeraj Kumar today also highlighted...
More »How police covered-up the murder of Dalit girl by constable -J Balaji
-The Hindu NHRC directs U.P. govt. to give Rs. 5 lakh to kin of Dalit girl killed by constable; The constable had murdered and hanged a Dalit girl after a failed rape attempt The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has directed the Uttar Pradesh government to provide a compensation of Rs. 5 lakh to the family of a 14-year-old Dalit girl, who was murdered by a police constable after a failed rape...
More »Why the young are different-Ved Kumari
-The Indian Express The juvenile justice system should aim to reform, rather than punish, offenders The anguish and anger evoked by the sheer brutality of the gangrape in Delhi has led to the demand that the accused be subject to the most severe punishment. Voices have been raised seeking the death penalty and chemical or physical castration. As one of the accused is below 18 years of age and cannot be “punished”...
More »No Shortcuts on Rape :Make the Legal System Work-Flavia Agnes
-Economic and Political Weekly The vigorous public discourse following the recent brutal gang rape and mutilation of the 23-year-old in Delhi is a positive sign but hopefully the demand for quick solutions will not ignore the complexities involved in dealing with all forms of violence against women. There are also other connected issues that require urgent attention including the description of a rape as a "state worse than death", making out...
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