-The Hindu On the orders of the Special Lokayukta Court here, the Lokayukta police on Thursday filed FIR against three former Chief Ministers as well as 11 senior civil servants of Karnataka. External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna, and MPs N. Dharam Singh and H.D. Kumaraswamy will be investigated by the Lokayukta police in a case in which they have been accused of complicity in the alleged multi-crore mining scam. The investigating agency will...
RTI activist attacked in Gujarat by Mahesh Trivedi
After the recent murder of Nadeem Saiyed, an RTI (right-to-information) activist and key witness in a major communal riot case in the city, one more whistle-blower has been attacked in a village near here. Poonam Solanki, who is also a leader of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in neighbouring Daskroi taluka, was assaulted by supporters of Popat Solanki, ‘sarpach’ of Bakrol village and chairman of a local co-operative organisation on...
More »GR Sofi, first Chief Information Commissioner of SIC (J&K) talks to Greater Kashmir Team
THE FIRST CHIEF INFORMATION COMMISSIONER (CIC) OF STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION (SIC) G R SOFI, TALKS ABOUT THE RTI ACT AND HOW THE COMMISSION IS WORKING TO ACHIEVE ITS GOALS IN A CONVERSATION WITH GREATER KASHMIR TEAM. HERE ARE THE EXCERPTS. Rajeev Sharma: Do you think the present legislation is enough to achieve the objectives that it is supposed to? G R Sofi: Last month I was in Delhi to attend an annual...
More »223 lions, 193 leopards died in Gir in last four years by Roxy Gagdekar
Even as Gujarat prides itself as the only home to the Asiatic lions in India at Gir National park, as many as 223 lions and 193 leopards have died in the sanctuary since 2006-07. The last census of lions in 2010 revealed that there were 411 lions in the Gir Sanctuary. In reply to an application filed under the Right to Information Act (RTI), the office of the chief forest conservator...
More »Man gets 50K RTI plea bill by Nitin Yeshwantrao
Information comes at a price, but Thane resident Omprakash Sharma learnt that the cost could be prohibitive when the information concerns public issues and is to be given by a public body like the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA). The state-run agency has told Sharma to pay Rs 50,000 for copies of a study report on transportation strategies in Thane and Raigad districts. The Right to Information (RTI) Act activist had...
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