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Transformation for the better-Aakar Patel

Rudyard Kipling opens his superb novel with the street urchin Kim teasing the son of a wealthy man. Kim kicks Chota Lal, whose father, Lala Dinanath, is worth half-a-million sterling, off the trunnion of the mighty cannon Zam-Zammah. Kipling loved India and wrote that it was the only democratic place in the world. It warms us to read this, but of course this was quite untrue in Kipling’s time and...

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Get the basics right-Madhavi Kapur

We need a properly defined strategy to integrate poorer children into schools For millions of children, it is a struggle to get to school, to stay in school and to make sense of what is happening in the classroom. After visiting many homes in rural and urban India, I have realised that learning to read without decent instruction, without enough nutrition, without electricity and water, without a place to keep your...

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10,000 poor kids will go to school in July

-The Hindustan Times The Delhi high court on Friday directed the state government’s education department to fill up the vacant seats for students from the economically weaker section (EWS) during the Summer vacations so that they can join after the schools reopen in July.   The order came after the Delhi government informed the court that around 9,835 nursery seats under the EWS category are vacant in 1,186 unaided private schools in 2012-13...

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Bt cotton seed companies on edge as farmers shun cotton-Jayashree Bhosale

PUNE: The cotton export debacle has created an oversupply of Bt seeds in the market with angry farmers expected to plant less area in the coming Summer season. Companies are bracing for a price war in branded cotton seed, a far cry from the usual scenario where state governments impose a ceiling on maximum retail prices. Cotton is India's most important farm-produced industrial raw material and contributes a third to the...

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Low water farming-Sreelatha Menon

A new report underlines the benefits of organic farming in the age of climate change While addressing a conference on the National Water Week this week, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh underlined the brewing water crisis. It could as well have been called the ‘National Water Weak’ — for this precious commodity for life is struggling to survive. The maximum blame for wastage of water is often put at the doors of...

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