India's high burden of anaemia has now got the Prime Minister's Office seriously concerned. With the latest national family health survey (NFHS-3) finding the prevalence of anaemia to be 80% in children, 70% in pregnant women and 24% in adult men, the PMO called a meeting on Thursday with top officials from the Planning Commission, ministries of health and women and child development, the National Institute of Nutrition and independent experts...
Health of the nation by Sitaram Yechury
The budget session of the Parliament began with President Pratibha Patil’s address. All indications point to a normal functioning of this session, unlike the wasted winter session. This is because the UPA 2 government has agreed to constitute a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) to look into the 2G spectrum allocation scam. If the government were to have done this in the winter session itself, then precious time and resources would...
More »Kind to cash by Richard Mahapatra
The government has a plan to reach welfare to the poor without wasting money. It wants to put hard cash in their hands instead of spending on welfare programmes. To begin with, it wants to end the public distribution system of food grain and give money directly to the people. Its logic: the new system of cash transfer will plug leakages and save an enormous amount of money. But is it...
More »Too Much Goodwill by Pragya Singh
NGOs To No Go’s * NGOs have mushroomed; so have instances of misappropriation of funds * Not disclosing expenditure and receipts; nor revealing who funds them * Not setting up NGO for the task it was funded for * Flocking to 'hot' topics, inviting accusations of singing to industrialists’ tunes * For every NGO supporting a cause, another springs up against that cause *** NGO numbers * 3.3 million Number of NGOs...
More »Of margins and the marginalised by Jayati Ghosh
The countrywide share of corporate retail in food distribution tripled in the past four years when retail food prices showed the greatest increase. THE dramatic increase in food inflation over the past two years has been associated with several surprises. One major surprise has been how the top economic policymakers in the country have responded to it. The initial response was one of apparent disbelief, followed very quickly by the...
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