The differently-abled account for 5-7% of India’s population in the age group of 6-14 years, but they make up only 0.4% of its workforce. This large variance in the space of a few years can be explained by the disadvantages and discrimination the differently-abled face at every step, starting from the first: being counted. Civil society activists say various attempts by the government to identify and enumerate the differently-abled in...
Pay more for LPG if you pay tax or live in a city by Rajeev Jayaswal
The government is considering several options to rationalise the subsidy on cooking gas such as excluding income tax payers from getting subsidised cylinders, limiting availability per household and higher prices for urban customers to provide this clean fuel in rural areas. “Those who can afford must pay the full price, while subsidised LPG should be made available to the poor,” an oil ministry official said adding that the ministry has...
More »Ethiopians say Indians grabbing land.Indian farmers claim it is official by Shantanu Guha Ray
RAM KARUTURI, the world’s largest rose grower, calls it a situation that needs immediate intervention. Else, he is sure the rush of Indians to Africa will ebb to a trickle, which, in turn, could have serious implications as ethnic tensions with the locals are slowly, but steadily, rising in some parts of the continent. The hub of the crisis is Gambela, one of Ethiopia’s nine states, for long starved of investment....
More »Drugs getting costlier, people cheaper by Harsimran Shergill
MONA SANGWAN, a teacher at a private school in Delhi, who earns just Rs. 4,000 a month and is her family’s sole earning member, had nearly begun to despair. How on earth was she going to raise Rs. 7,000 every month to buy the medicines her brother Ashwini, a kidney transplant patient, needed? Mona would have continued to despair had not the NGO Sarvohit Social Welfare Society stepped in. And to...
More »Safe Drinking Water: Time to Act by Anil Padmanabhan
All speakers addressing the main session of the World Water Week in Sweden during 5-11 September were presented with a beautifully wrapped bottle of tap water! Yes, you heard right: tap water from Stockholm. It is a symbol of achievement that the Swedes love to flaunt—and rightly so. It is also the best gift the Indian government can give to all Indians in general, and particularly those 500-odd million that live...
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