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Is India overestimating its economic growth? -TCA Sharad Raghavan

-The Hindu The new GDP series has some methodological and sampling problems Former Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramanian recently claimed in a paper that India’s GDP growth from 2011-12 to 2016-17 was likely to have been overestimated. The Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council has rejected this claim, stating that his paper would “not stand the scrutiny of academic or policy research standards”. In a conversation moderated by T.C.A. Sharad Raghavan, Pronab Sen...

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CPCB asks NHAI why it shouldn't be fined Rs 1 crore -Ritam Halder

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Central Pollution Control Board has sent a showcause notice to National Highways Authority of India for flouting construction and demolition waste management rules at two sites — Delhi-Meerut Expressway, UP Gate to Dasna, Ghaziabad, and around the Ghazipur landfill. NHAI has been asked to explain “why the project activities, including all civil works and construction and demolition activities, should not be stopped at (the) above site”...

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Stopping Muzaffarpur Child Deaths Will Require a Gender-Sensitive Social Analysis -Purnima Menon Due to its social determinants of malnutrition, Muzaffarpur offers a case study of a “perfect storm” of risk factors. Muzaffarpur is emblematic of a hot spot for undernutrition in India. With one in two children stunted, Muzaffarpur lags India’s average by ten percentage points. One in two women is anaemic and one in three is underweight. Although most infants are breastfed and exclusive breastfeeding is high, other aspects of infant diets...

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Conserve rainwater: PM to CMs -Rajesh Kumar

-The Pioneer New Delhi: Concerned about the water crisis and drought conditions, Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote to Chief Ministers of all States advising them to conserve rainwater during the forthcoming monsoon. The PM had earlier written a personal letter to 'Gram Pradhans'(village chiefs) urging them to conserve rainwater.  The issue of drought conditions and water scarcity was discussed at the highest level at the NITI Aayog's governing council meeting last week....

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Encephalitis spreads to other districts of Bihar, toll at 114 -Ajay Kumar Pandey

-The Times of India MUZAFFARPUR: The toll in the outbreak of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) in Bihar rose to 114 on Wednesday with seven more deaths in the endemic zone even as reports came in of children being admitted with similar symptoms in other districts like Samastipur, Banka and Vaishali. Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital (SKMCH) in Muzaffarpur, where most of the patients have been undergoing treatment since the disease spread,...

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