Total Matching Records found : 17163

Politics over crop loss: Cong accuses Modi of somersault on farmers’ issues

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: A strong political fight has erupted between the government and the opposition parties over providing relief to farmers suffering crop loss due to unseasonable rains and hailstorm. Hours after Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the opposition of spreading lies on the land acquisition bill, Congress hit back and accused Modi of somersault on farmers' issue. Ahmed Patel, Political Secretary to Congress President Sonia Gandhi, said farmers...

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When The Haze Takes Over -Pavithra S Rangan

-Outlook The NDA seems bent on subverting the RTI Act. Is the slow dismembering of the CIC part of the plan? We Have No Recall For the first time since its inception, CIC's functions expropriated by the govt A search committee set up to appoint a new CIC chief says meeting details cannot be revealed; "highly confidential" RTI appeals pertaining to prime depts...

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Ford Foundation president visits tribal women in Gumla -KA Gupta

-The Times of India GUMLA: US-based Ford Foundation's president Darren Walker has, with a team comprising Larissa Macfarquhar, Alfred Ironside from the US and Srinivasan and Kavita from India, visited Gumla on Wednesday to assess the change process carried out during the last few years within tribal communities through NGO Pradan's engagement methodology. The foundation, in partnership with the NGO, has started self-help groups for tribal women in the past. Walker and his...

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Prod to govt for daily pills for TB patients

-The Telegraph New Delhi: Health experts today criticised a government delay in implementing a proposed daily drug therapy for tuberculosis patients, meant to reduce the risk of relapse after completion of treatment. Although the health ministry had itself last year released TB treatment standards emphasising a move towards daily therapy, virtually all patients treated under the government TB control programme receive thrice-a-week therapy, which carries a higher risk of relapse. A consortium of...

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Scam stains famed Chhattisgarh PDS, systemic loot runs into crores -Parivesh Mishra Raipur: Amid Prime Minister Narendra Modi's aggressive pitch for growth and denouncement of the policy of handouts in the pre-general election campaign last year, Chhattisgarh's model of Public Distribution System (PDS) stood out as a shining and welcome misfit. The BJP showcased Chief Minister Raman Singh model of PDS as its answer to the Congress' Food Security Act. Besides the Gujarat model, this was the only model that found mention...

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