Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will reassure South Korea President Lee Myung-bak that India will address all issues related to Pohang Steel Company’s (Posco’s) proposed $12-billion steel project in Orissa in a “constructive manner.” Posco India, which first announced the setting up of the massive plant five years ago, is facing environment roadblocks. Lee is likely to take up Posco’s case with Singh tomorrow. The two leaders, who are here for the East...
Superbug study authors blame poor sanitation for bacteria by Aarti Dhar
After creating a huge controversy by claiming that foreign patients who were treated in India developed antibiotic resistance, authors of the superbug New Delhi metallo-B-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) bacteria study published in the United Kingdom-based medical journal The Lancet now say that poor sanitation and unregulated antibiotic use presented an immense challenge and should be of great concern to the Indian health authorities and the World Health Organisation. Responding to queries in the...
More »Think Beyond PDS
Will UPA-II's ambitious food security programme work? The issue gains immediacy, with the National Advisory Council unveiling a new draft plan envisaging legal entitlement to subsidised foodgrain for at least 75 per cent of the population. That works out to almost 800 million people. If implemented, this means the government's food subsidy Bill will be far bigger. Also, our groaning public distribution system will come under greater strain. Now, central...
More »Posco project: Steel Minister asks Ramesh to be ‘pragmatic’
Peeved at the appointment of “activists” in the forest panel for clearing Rs 54,000 crore steel project of Posco, Steel Minsiter Virbhadra Singh advised Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh to be “pragmatic.” “The approach has to be pragmatic and not dogmatic. When there is an issue of development some sort of compromises have to be made,” Mr. Singh told PTI, when asked as to what his advice would be for Jairam Ramesh...
More »The muddle in food security by Himanshu
NAC’s retrograde proposals fall short of creating a meaningful vision of food entitlement in the country The National Advisory Council (NAC) has finally come out with its proposals for the National Food Security Act. After months of deliberations within itself and with various government departments, the proposals will form the basis of the Act to be introduced in Parliament. However, a quick perusal of the proposals suggests that not only has NAC...
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