Total Matching Records found : 15713

India ranks 135 in Human Development Index: UN report

-PTI   India is the lowest performing country among the BRICS nations in all categories of the HDI with the exception of life expectancy, which is lower in South Africa as a result of the HIV/AIDS epidemic  In a sign that shows India has a lot of catching up to do, the country's ranking in the Human Development Index (HDI) remained unchanged at 135 in 2013, reflecting little improvement in the living standard...

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India intensifies war against Japanese encephalitis -Aarti Dhar

-The Hindu The Centre has launched a major war against Japanese encephalitis which claims hundreds of young lives and causes high morbidity among children in several States across the country during monsoon. Within weeks of taking over, Union Health and Family welfare Minister, Dr Harsh Vardhan said that his priority would be to ensure 100 per cent immunisation against the killer disease. Expressing extreme distress over the "runaway conquest of encephalitis," Dr Harsh...

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Malnutrition brewing in closed tea gardens -Shiv Sahay Singh

-The Hindu Kolkata: Twenty-five children suffering from severe malnutrition and low weight from the five closed tea gardens of north Bengal have been admitted to State-run hospitals in Jalpaiguri district. Twenty-five children suffering from severe malnutrition and low weight from the five closed tea gardens of north Bengal have been admitted to State-run hospitals in Jalpaiguri district. All the children are below five years of age and from the tea gardens which...

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Areas under Water Bodies

-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Water Resources As per the information collected in the 4th Minor irrigation Census (2006-07), the total number of water bodies used for irrigation in the country was 523816. Out of this, the number of water bodies in use and not in use is 443688 and 80128 respectively. As per the constitution, water, inter-alia including water bodies is a State subject and any corrective MEAsures for removal of...

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Ration card’s out, Aadhaar in to open bank accounts -Mayur Shetty

-The Times of India MUMBAI: The ration card - the government issued booklet for availing of subsidized food under the public distribution service - is set to lose its privileged status as a valid document for opening bank accounts. Aadhaar is now set to become the single universal document for opening a bank account in India. In a circular dated July 17 addressed to banks, the RBI said that it has revised...

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