Total Matching Records found : 7179

Rural non-agro economy growing faster than urban: Assocham

The rural non-farming sector has been growing faster than that of the urban since early 1970s, says a report. The report on "Comparative growth between non-farming economy of rural and urban area" by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) said the share of rural non-farming economy in rural gross domestic product (GDP) has increased from 28 percent in 1970-71 to 46 percent in 1999-2000. It said...

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'Docs, clinicians on a par in villages' by Rema Nagarajan

It's official now. At the primary healthcare level, there is no difference in the performance of MBBS doctors with five-and-a-half years' training and non-physician clinicians with three years' training who have been called "legal quacks" by the Indian Medical Association (IMA). This has been demonstrated through a study conducted in Chhattisgarh that compared the performance of different types of clinical care providers at the primary care level. Following the controversy...

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Flu kills 35 in a month at Warud in Maharashtra by Jaideep Hardikar

Atleast 35 people, mostly adults, have died of various infections, including swine flu, at Warud in Amravati district in a month, with seven deaths occurring in the past 24 hours. The town, which is famous for its orange cultivation, is around 100 km from Nagpur. Health officials blamed the high casualty number on a recent policy change. The government centralised purchase of medicines for public hospitals earlier this year citing corruption...

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22 districts in state food insecure: UN report

Around 22 districts in Rajasthan have been identified as those requiring immediate attention in terms of food security, according to the food security atlas of rural Rajasthan released jointly by the Institute of Human Development and the United Nation's World Food Programme (UNWFP) on Friday. The atlas further mentions the need of immediate, intensive intervention in ten out of these 22 districts to improve food and nutrition security. The atlas...

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Indian households spend 7% of total expenditure on healthcare, says survey

The out-of-pocket healthcare spending by Indians continues to push them further into poverty with the public spending on health is almost negligible, according to the India Health Report 2010. Studies have documented that households in India spend a disproportionate share of their consumption expenditure on health, with the contribution from government being almost negligible. Public spending on health is very low, stagnant at about 1 per cent of GDP, putting India...

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