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India spends, but education suffers-Devjyot Ghoshal

-The Business Standard The various grants under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan don't reach all schools - and not on time, either Educational spending is soaring. At the turn of the decade, new legislation has been enacted to make education a fundamental right. But India's elementary schoolchildren are just not learning. The country's elementary education budget has more than doubled since 2007-08, from Rs 68,853 crore to Rs 147,059 crore this fiscal, but the...

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Government plans to liberalise FDI norms for single-brand retail to attract big bucks -Deepshikha Sikarwar

-The Economic Times The government plans to significantly liberalise foreign direct investment (FDI) norms for single-brand retail to attract big bucks into the sector. The finance ministry has asked the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) to amend the policy to allow single-brand retailers to bring different brands belonging to the SAMe product line under one company. It has also asked DIPP - the government department that frames foreign investment rules...

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IIPM’s claim on The Hindu: A clarification

-The Hindu A write-up titled “IIPM: The B-School with a Human Face,” was published in the Delhi edition of The Hindu on September 2, 2012 as part of what was clearly marked as an “Advertisers’ Feature” on the Delhi Book Fair. The material was supplied to our Advertisement Department by representatives of the Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM). It was published with the clear understanding on the part of...

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1.74 lakh people unemployed in Delhi

-PTI As many as 1.74 lakh people are unemployed in Delhi, the Economic Survey of Delhi said on Tuesday. The figure constitutes 3.18 per cent of the metropolis' total labour force. Quoting National SAMple Survey Organisation survey between July 2009 and June 2010, the survey said there are 1,74,189 unemployed workers in Delhi, of which 15,024 belong to rural areas while 1,59,165 are from urban region. Of the total 52,96,761 employed people, 51,71,968 belong...

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No country for newborn children -Aarti Dhar

-The Hindu India accounts for the largest number of deaths of infants primarily because it has failed to provide them and their mothers access to critical health care India loses 4,200 children under the age of five every day. This figure is certainly unacceptable for any emerging country. The collective ache of losing so many newborns is worsened by the realisation that many of these deaths are preventable. The country accounts for nearly...

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