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RTE: Schools keep fingers crossed, govt yet to decide penalty -Naveed Iqbal

-The Indian Express A day after the deadline for implementation of the Right To Education (RTE) Act expired, representatives of the Delhi State Public Schools Association (DSPSA) met Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit and Education Minister Kiran Walia, seeking a reprieve. Speaking to Newsline, Walia said, "We have already brought down the minimum area requirement to 200 square meters. Beyond this, there are concerns of fire safety and other issues." She said the delegation...

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Power of RTI-Ashutosh Shukla

-DNA Dharmenddra Pawar, 35, could regain his mental balance only after he saw his answer paper procured through an RTI. For, only then he saw the examiners' apathy and not the failure of his hard work that led to absolute distress and him repeating the year. "I could not understand that in the first attempt I scored 27 marks and 0 in the second when I had put in more effort," said...

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Justice Big Mouth- Rahul Kotiyal and Ajachi Chakrabarti

-Tehelka A public issue is not truly public unless Markandey Katju has passed judgement. Rahul Kotiyal and Ajachi Chakrabarti stand downwind "Journalists" writes Markandey Katju, with little sense of irony, "comment on everything under the sun." He goes on to say that when the shoe is on the other foot, when someone comments on journalism, it is misconstrued as an attack on press freedom. That when he announces he is appointing a...

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RTE: Lacking minimum area, private schools face closure -Naveed Iqbal

-The Indian Express The fate of many private schools in the capital hangs in the balance. The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) had set a three-year deadline for schools, asking them to meet the infrastructural requirements specified under the Right To Education Act, expired on Sunday. The bone of contention is the area requirement under the RTE Act, which is 800 sqm for primary schools and 1,000 sqm for middle schools....

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Link By Link, A Chain For Watchdogs-Anuradha Raman

-Outlook The UPA government seems too keen on giving the press council what Katju seeks Powerful Enough? Among the powers the PCI now wields are the following: Power to censure, warn and admonish on receipt of a complaint, after giving the publication a chance to be heard The same powers as a civil court to summon and enforce attendance, examine persons under oath ...

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