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Doomed by definition-B Syama Sundari

-The Hindu The move to redefine 'handloom' is in the interest of powerloom operators who will be able to corner benefits meant for weavers "Any loom, other than powerloom; and includes any hybrid loom on which, at least one process for weaving requires manual intervention or human energy for production." (The new definition of handloom proposed by Ministry of Textiles) The textile industry in India comprises three sectors - the mill, the powerloom and...

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Planning Commission to approach Cabinet with mechanism for PPP disputes

-PTI NEW DELHI: The Planning Commission will approach the Cabinet next month with a draft bill for an institutional mechanism to speedily resolve issues related to public contracts and a separate note on the progress of PPP projects with remedies to solve problems faced by them. "The Planning Commission is in the final stages of drafting a bill for setting up an institutional mechanism to address issues hampering Public Private Projects (PPP)...

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Populism unites parties, helps land bill sail through Lok Sabha

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Concerns of industry took a backseat as political parties, spurred by the oncoming election season, joined hands in Lok Sabha on Thursday to pass the land acquisition bill that enshrines consent of landowners and steep hikes in compensation. As when the food security bill was passed earlier this week, competitive populism took centrestage with Congress toasting Rahul Gandhi as the inspiration behind the legislation and BJP...

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PMO reveals graft complaints against CJI, AG -Manoj Mitta

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In a remarkable instance of transparency, the Prime Minister's Office made public under RTI a complaint which had been given to it leveling allegations of corruption against, among others, chief justice of India P Sathasivam, his predecessor Altamas Kabir and attorney general G E Vahanvati. The PMO's disclosure on August 23 of these as-yet unverified allegations complied with a statutory safeguard. The RTI reply specifically said...

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This perverse rage against the poor-Harish Khare

-The Hindu With the economic boom petering out, those who benefitted from it are angry with the government for the Food Security Bill because it is paying attention to the needs of the underprivileged for a change This week's received wisdom insists that the Indian economy has irretrievably collapsed because on Monday, the Lok Sabha passed the National Food Security Bill (NFSB). The Hindu Business Line headline (Aug.28, page 1) said it...

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