-The Indian Express Names of the eight were struck off the list, along with nearly 10 lakh pensioners from across Rajasthan. DAYS AFTER a group of people from Rajasthan staged a demonstration in Delhi, in an effort to prove that they are “alive” and urge the Rajasthan government to restore their pension, the monthly pension of at least eight people in one village was reinstated, with arrears, on Tuesday. Names of the eight...
Pensions of ‘dead’ persons restored -Mohammed Iqbal
-The Hindu Rights groups demand reopeNINg of about 7.5 lakh pension accounts closed in Rajasthan Jaipur: After the Rajasthan government’s acceptance of wrong classification of living persons as “dead” and restoration of their social security pensions, civil rights groups here have demanded reopeNINg of about 7.5 lakh pension accounts closed earlier and re-verification of about 10 lakh pensioners in the State. The physical verification by activists of the Right to Information Campaign and...
More »Whitefly fear: Cotton acreage drops to 61-year low -Ikhhlaq Aujla
-The Times of India CHANDIGARH: Fear of another attack of whitefly pest, which ravaged huge tracts of cotton last year in Punjab, has led to biggest drop in area under cotton cultivation in Punjab in more than six decades. Data from Union agriculture ministry's department of economics and statistics (DES) shows that area under cotton crop this season has shrunk to 2.56 lakh hectares in the state, the lowest since 1955-56....
More »‘Almost 30 per cent of our land undergoing degradation’ -Madhumathi DS
-The Hindu ISRO-led study analysed satellite imageries of the country over an eight-year period Bengaluru: Nearly 30 per cent per cent of the country’s total geographical area is undergoing degradation, according to a study that analysed satellite imageries of the country over an eight-year period. The degrading area has increased over 0.5 per cent to 29.3 million hectares during the period, as shown by comparative remote-sensing satellite imageries of the States for the...
More »Progress of rains less than ideal -Aditi Nayar
-The Hindu Business Line Low ground water levels have led to sluggish start to sowing of most kharif crops Pay Commission payouts may be a welcome shower of salary, but monsoon showers matter most for the economy. Why so? The proportion of the country’s working population dependent on agriculture was at 38 per cent in 2011-12 — and this, even as the share of agriculture in the Indian economy stood at a modest 15...
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