The National Commission for Scheduled Castes Sunday rejected the Uttar Pradesh government's claims of bringing down incidents of violence against Dalits, terming them 'baseless and misleading'. The commission's newly-appointed chairman P.L. Punia said the state government released figures of only the first six months of this year, and atrocities against Dalits had actually registered a steep rise over the three-and-a-half year rule of Bahujan Samaj Party, according to statistics by National...
Chhattisgarh shows the way by Jean Dreze and Reetika Khera
India's Public Distribution System (PDS) has been in a bad shape for decades, often thought to be beyond repair. Recent experience, however, suggests otherwise. Political will, increased transparency and community participation have led to an amazing revival of the PDS in Chhattisgarh though the state has only shown contempt for people's rights in other contexts… Somehow, the PDS became a political priority in Chhattisgarh and a decision was made to turn...
More »No tribal min role in Posco case? by Nitin Sethi
The Posco tale got another twist on Thursday with the environment ministry's forest advisory committee deciding to rethink whether it should ask the ministry of tribal affairs to verify the violations of Forest Rights Act or it should do so itself. In a meeting held on October 25, the FAC had concluded that it would recommend that the tribal affairs ministry take a final call on whether the Orissa government had...
More »Vigilance hunt on for Bokaro teacher scamster by Shashank Shekhar
Vigilance officers probing misappropriation of over Rs 2 crore from funds meant to build schools in Bokaro district today revealed how a schoolteacher siphoned off money and kept his opponents at bay by threatening them with punishment postings in Naxalite-hit areas. DSPs Narendra Singh, Jayant Kumar, Dhaneshwar Ram and inspectors Shashi Bhushan and Tej Narain, who arrived here from Ranchi two days ago following a high court censure over the tardy...
More »Why Indians should fear the UID by Praful Bidwai
The Aadhaar or UID project has grave implications for every Indian. It will enable the government to profile every citizen and track their movements and transactions. There is no guarantee that intimate personal information -- pre-existing illnesses, romantic relationships etc -- won't be shared with other agencies, warns Praful Bidwai. An elaborate charade has begun with the rolling out of the first Aadhaar unique identity numbers in a tribal district of Maharashtra by...
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