-The Indian Express On Tuesday, the 49-year-old labourer from Odisha's Sundergarh district fled from a brick-making unit in Vishakapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh, after his employer allegedly threw acid on his face and neck during an altercation over wages. Bhubaneswar: In broken sentences and a feeble voice, Jaydev Chandnia says over the phone that he is shivering while still feeling that his body is on fire. On Tuesday, the 49-year-old labourer from...
How The Modi Government is Killing Off MGNREGS -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in Funding is not keeping pace with demand, and delays or vanished dues are discouraging job seekers in these times of extreme rural distress. Here is a little known but chilling fact about the rural job guarantee scheme, MGNREGS: between April and mid-December this year, about 1.28 crore people who demanded jobs were turned back. This refusal to give work has been happening every year but it has increased after the Modi...
More »MGNREGA's information system flawed, misguiding -Debmalya Nandy
-Down to Earth The scheme's Management Information System destroys local accountability, promotes centralisation and administrative control and gives out wrong data There is an increasing tendency in the Union government to show performances of central schemes, especially social welfare programmes, through data captured by the Management Information System (MIS). It is indeed a matter of astonishment how the MIS data always shows high performances of schemes and programmes, while ground surveys and...
More »Without Rise in Farm Income, Congress' Loan Waivers Won't End Rural Distress -Kabir Agarwal
-TheWire.in Implementing the loan waiver in Chhattisgarh, MP and Rajasthan will not be easy. It will cost Rs 80,000 crore and might need the states to double the spending on agriculture. New Delhi: On Monday, the newly appointed chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, Kamal Nath, proudly announced that his first executive decision was to waive farm loans in the state. While campaigning for the assembly elections, the Congress party had promised that if...
More »Farm suicide as an indicator of agrarian crisis should be used with caution
Passionate about the deepening of agrarian crisis, quite often journalists and media persons cite figures related to farm suicide (as provided by the National Crime Records Bureau) in order to draw the attention of the readers. They do so in the following ways: * Compare the absolute number of farm suicides (viz. suicide by cultivators + suicide by agricultural labourers) across regions/ states for a particular time point or time period...
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