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Fighting hunger

A timely reality check on public policies in the developing world, the Global Hunger Index 2010, (GHI) released by the International Food Policy Research Institute, reveals the disturbing fact that the number of hungry people in the world hovers around the one-billion mark. Although this year's estimates by the Food and Agriculture Organisation place the figure at 925 million, barely a year ago, at the height of the recession, “the...

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The narcissism of the neurotic by P Sainath

The Commonwealth Games were no showcase, but a mirror of India 2010. If they presented anything, it was this — Indian crony, casino capitalism at its most vigorous. The Commonwealth Games over, we can now return to those of everyday Indian life. For all the protests, though, there was nothing in the corruption that marked the Games that does not permeate every town and city, all the time. Just that, in...

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Hunger banquet in Paris marks World Food Day

Ten thousand empty plates were displayed at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Saturday morning in an event to mark World Food Day. French non-governmental organisation Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger) organised the event, dubbed the Banquet Against Hunger, in coordination with the European Union, to draw the public's attention to starvation and hunger worldwide. According to Francois Danel, General Director of Action Contre la Faim, "ten-thousand...

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MFI interest rate on loans likely to be capped at around 24 pc by Mashusudan Sahoo and George Mathew

Interest rates on loans from microfinance institutions (MFIs) are likely to be capped at around 24 per cent. Currently, MFIs are charging 26-40 per cent on small loans extended to their rural customers — many of whom are yet to get even a bank account — while urban customers get personal loans at 12 per cent from commercial banks. Though neither the RBI nor the government has fixed any ceiling on...

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Jarawas add 125 to tribe by Tapas Chakraborty

Ten years, 125 more heads. Hardly anything to write home about in these times of billion-plus populations, but anthropologists aren’t complaining. Not when the last headcount showed 240 and the people in question are a threatened tribe — the Jarawas. The latest report by the Andaman Adim Janjati Vikash Samity (AAJVS), a government-affiliated autonomous agency headed by the Union territory’s lieutenant governor, shows the Jarawas now number 365 — 125 more since...

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