-Deccan Herald The files relating to framing of rules for empanelment of officers to the post of additional secretary and secretary at the Centre cannot be disclosed as these are Cabinet papers exempt from disclosure under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, the government has maintained. This stand of the government was reiterated in a letter to the Central Information Commission (CIC) by the Cabinet secretariat’s under secretary. The government decided to approach...
For babus, fuel frozen at Rs. 24 a litre-Aloke Tikku
This certainly won’t help swallow the bitter petrol-hike pill. Petrol prices have tripled for the common man in the last 13 years but the country’s top civil servants haven’t had to deal with a fuel hike since 1999. Senior government officials pay a measly Rs. 700 every month to use their air-conditioned official cars for private purposes. This amount was last fixed in 1999, when petrol went for Rs. 23.80...
More »Interlocutors for empowering the people of Jammu & Kashmir-Vinay Kumar
Eminent journalist Dileep Padgaonkar who headed the group of three Central interlocutors for Jammu and Kashmir said on Thursday that the thrust of their report was to empower the people of Jammu and Kashmir so that they were able to exercise their civil and political rights in full measure. The 176-page report of the group of Central interlocutors was uploaded on the website of Union Home Ministry on Thursday, seven months...
More »Proposal to 'sell' India's plant genetic resources draws ire-Savita Verma
-India Today A top agricultural research official's idea that India's age-old plant genetic resources can be made available to MNCs in return for better technology for farmers has invited criticism from non-governmental groups as well as individuals. Dr S. K. Datta, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) deputy director-general for crop science, claimed that many of India's plant germplasm or species were in the public domain and already being used by MNCs...
More »Plan panel stays away from new team set up to redo poverty math-Devika Banerji
The Planning Commission has distanced itself from the government's decision to appoint a committee to reconsider the way poverty numbers are estimated, indicating a deep divide between the political masters and the technocrats at institution charged with laying down development agenda for the country. On Thursday, Minister for Planning Ashwini Kumar announced a committee under C Rangarajan, chairman of prime minister's economic advisory council, to review the widely criticised poverty estimates released...
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