Saving the world’s myriad diverse species, which are being lost to human activity at an unprecedented rate that some experts put at 1,000 times the natural progression, is vital not just for environmental reasons but for the economic well-being of humankind, a senior United Nations official said today. “Without preserving biodiversity and preserving our natural habitat, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) just cannot be achieved,” UN Development Programme (UNDP) Environment and...
Sudden spotlight on Orissa tribes & their sacred hills
What have the poor tribals of Orissa in common with the latest Hollywood hit Avatar? Apparently, there are uncanny similarities between the 3D animation movie and a documentary made on the Dongria Kondh tribe of Orissa by Survival International (SI). The ten-minute documentary is titled ‘Mine: story of a sacred mountain’ brings out the plight of the indigenous people. The SI has appealed to Avatar’s director James Cameron through media...
More »Tangible targets at school by Jandhyala BG Tilak
India’s relative position with respect to the Education Development Index remains poor. There is a lot to do in terms of improving schooling facilities. According to the ‘EFA Global Monitoring Report 2010’ (UNESCO), India’s rank was 105 among 128 countries. And it continues to figure, along with a bunch of African and one or two Asian countries, such as Pakistan and Bangladesh, in the group of countries with a low...
More »Campaign in many Avatars
Vedanta Resources is under fire from heaven and earth, and even Hollywood has been asked to join in. Tribal rights campaigner Survival International has appealed to Avatar director James Cameron, through an advertisement in US entertainment magazine Variety, to help it stop the company from mining for bauxite in an Orissa forest. The ad drew parallels between the Na’vi tribe in Avatar, who try to stop humans from mining under their sacred...
More »Fears over brinjal have to be shown to be unjustified: Swaminathan by GS Mudur
India’s leading agricultural scientist, an architect of the green revolution who has no ideological opposition to the genetic engineering of plants, contributed to the moratorium imposed on genetically modified brinjal today. Environment minister Jairam Ramesh, who announced the moratorium on the cultivation of a brinjal variety engineered to kill insect pests, said he had several discussions with agricultural scientist M.S. Swaminathan before his decision. Swaminathan had advised Ramesh to assess the...
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