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CIC tells high court to get its act right on RTI

-The Times of India   The AP High Court was pulled up by the Central Information Commission (CIC) for its failure to adhere to the RTI Act. Nine other high courts besides AP's have been given three months time to get their act right. The CIC was reacting to a complaint filed by Hyderabad-based RTI activist C J Karira and Mani Ram Sharma of Rajasthan between December 2009 and March 2010. The complainants...

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Rural India beats cities in pre-natal sex determination tests by Kounteya Sinha

Did you think sex-selection was more prevalent in urban homes? Think Again. An analysis of Census 2011 by the Union health ministry on the eve of the crucial meeting of the Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act's (PC & PNDT Act) Central Supervisory Board (CSB) has shown that the hideous crime against a girl child has become more prevalent among families in rural India. Consider Delhi, where sex selection was common among...

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RTI activists appeal to collector for protection by Nandhu Sundaram

Over 75 activists protested in front of the Red Cross building here on Friday demanding protection from the government in the wake of the murder of Chennai-based RTI activist S Bhuvaneshwaran. The group also submitted a memorandum to the district collector, a copy of which has been forwarded to the cell of chief minister J Jayalalithaa. Demanding a solatium for the family of Bhuvaneshwaran, the RTI activists also sought the arrest...

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Jarawas: Tribal Peoples Under Grave Threat from Civilization and Tourism by Palash R Ghosh

The recent shocking video showing naked Jarawa tribeswomen being forced to dance for food by tourists may highlight the risks of isolated, indigenous peoples of the world having contact with the modern world. The Jarawas of India’s Andaman and Nicobar islands are only one of several reclusive tribes around the world that are now facing extinction. While the government of India and tribal affairs officials have tried to protect people like the...

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India on vigil for new enemy from LoC: Poliovirus by Kounteya Sinha

India has not recorded a single case of polio in 12 months - the longest ever. However, the Indian strain of wild poliovirus imported by several other countries like Angola, Lebanon, Tajikistan, Bangladesh and Namibia has caused multiple outbreaks in the last decade. The strain crippling children in Congo- 92 cases in 2011 - also came from India. "India exported poliovirus to other countries in the past and is now at risk of...

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