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Is malnutrition in India a myth? -Pramit Bhattacharya

-Live Mint Some commentators dismiss the seriousness of India's nutritional crisis as it fails to account for genetic differences With one in two children malnourished in India, child malnutrition is considered to be among the biggest challenges facing the country. But are these figures highly exaggerated? The answer is a resounding yes, according to Columbia University economist Arvind Panagariya, who believes that the international standards used to measure nutritional attainments of...

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A nutritional crisis in India

-Live Mint Some commentators have gone so far as to dismiss India's nutritional crisis as a ‘hoax' In a recent article, Columbia University economist Arvind Panagariya argued that India need not be ashamed of its malnutrition statistics as they are likely to be exaggerated. Panagariya's contention that international standards used to measure nutritional attainments of Indian children are inappropriate, as they fail to account for "genetic differences" seem to have found favour...

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DBT scheme to be launched in 20 districts-Sujay Mehdudia

-The Hindu   It is likely to be extended to entire country from October The Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry on Wednesday announced that the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme for the LPG consumers, putting subsidy cash directly into the account of beneficiaries, would be launched in 20 districts with high Aadhaar card penetration from June 1. The scheme is likely to be extended to the entire country from October this year. However, the...

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Bangladesh textile factories shut amid unrest

-BBC Many Bangladeshi textile factories near the capital, Dhaka, have shut because of unrest sparked by the collapse of a factory building last month, the country's textile association has said. Owners made the decision on safety grounds after many workers went on a rampage, the group's president said. Retailers in Europe meanwhile said they would sign an accord to improve safety conditions in factories in Bangladesh. At least 1,127 people were killed when the...

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Aadhaar–LPG linkage still tardy in Andhra Pradesh

-The Hindu ‘Consumers must get Aadhaar number linked todatabase of oil companies and Bank accounts' Hyderabad: Even as the Centre announced that the rollout of direct transfer of the cash subsidy on LPG would be from June 1, only 55 per cent of consumers got their Aadhaar number linked to the database of oil companies in the five districts in Andhra Pradesh. Even poorer is the linkage of Aadhaar numbers to the Bank...

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