-The Indian Express Steel minister Beni Prasad Verma has cautioned environment minister Jayanthi Natarajan against holding up clearances for SAIL’s iron ore mines in Orissa and Jharkhand, saying this would force the state-owned steel giant to scale down operations and could stoke Naxal activity in the tribal region. Verma’s November 30 missive to Natarajan comes close on the heels of SAIL’s top brass sounding the alarm on the delays in environmental clearance...
Ram Sewak Sharma, Director General of UIDAI interviewed by Pratap Vikram Singh
-Governance Now An alumnus of IIT Kanpur, Ram Sewak Sharma is a 1978 batch Indian administrative service officer belonging to Jharkhand cadre. Sharma is praised for laying down IT infrastructure in Jharkhand. In his role as the director general of unique identification authority of India (UIDAI) Sharma is chauffeuring ‘Aadhaar-enabled service delivery’ which would result in saving huge financial resources to the public exchequer. In an interview with Pratap Vikram Singh,...
More »Retail store builders set to get FDI boost -Sachin Dave
-The Hindustan Times As both Houses of Parliament cleared the way foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail, the mood of commercial real estate developers, who were facing a tough time building and renting out malls, is expected to look up. A revival of investment plans is on the cards. The supply of rental spaces across India recorded a drop of 65% in 2012 from the previous year, according to a report...
More »Child mortality: Rates of concern -TK Rajalakshmi
-Frontline A JOINT study by the UNICEF and the National Institute of Medical Statistics (a division of the Indian Council of Medical Research) on the levels, trends and determinants of infant and under-five mortality has concluded that at the current pace, India is unlikely to achieve the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets or the child survival goals of the Twelfth Plan. This, despite there being a consistent decline in the infant...
More »Growthwallahs need to pause and reflect-Anil Padmanabhan
-Live Mint The solutions to India’s growth problems require a more holistic approach Whether rightly or wrongly, there is a growing critique of India’s current Development strategy: of a top-down, trickle-down theory that rides on an extraordinary growth momentum. They are disparate, but when the dots are connected they do present a coherent reminder that this strategy may not be the best and, worse, it is not sustainable. To a large extent this...
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