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From Tirupati to Pashupati? by Jairam Ramesh

The media imagery of a “liberated” Red corridor extending from Andhra Pradesh, cutting across the heart of India, all the way to Nepal is the most vivid representation of the threat that Maoists pose to our country. The Prime Minister describes the Maoists as India's most serious internal security challenge and the Home Minister rates it as a “problem graver than terrorism.” In search of an effective response, official committees have,...

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The failure of a hopeful idea

-Live Mint   The poor remain poor because they lack resources. And the formal finance sector does not want to lend them because they are too poor, costs are high and they hardly have anything to offer as collateral. That is, they are trapped in the vicious circle of poverty. This was so until the arrival of microfinance—successfully demonstrated by the Bangladesh model that the poor are “good” borrowers. It was held...

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Kudankulam protests continue, entry points to plant blocked

-IANS   Activists continued to protest outside Tamil Nadu's Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) Friday, preventing employees of the plant from going inside to work.  For the past six days, 106 people have been on fast demanding scrapping of the nuclear power project. The relay fast is being held at Idinthakarai village near Kudankulam in the district, around 650 km from here.  Villagers have surrounded all the entry points to KNPP.  Around 25 employees, forming...

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Dangerous culture of intolerance

-The Hindu   It speaks to the deeply divisive times we live in that Team Anna activist and Supreme Court lawyer Prashant Bhushan was savagely assaulted in his own chamber — and in the full glare of television cameras — for the “crime” of saying something that his attackers disapproved of. In the past, intolerant groups who seem to have no problem breaking the law with impunity, have targeted writers, artists, journalists,...

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Thackeray congratulates Prashant Bhushan's attackers

-IANS   Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray Friday congratulated the people who attacked senior lawyer and Team Anna member Prashant Bhushan in his chamber in the Supreme Court in Delhi two days ago. In a statement in the party's mouthpiece, Dopahar Ka Saamna, Thackeray referred to Bhushan's statements on Jammu and Kashmir and said: 'Shabbaash! Those who speak of dividing the country should be taught a lesson like this.' Thackeray said one cannot remain...

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