-The Guardian 'Pathway for a sustainable future' declared, but Greenpeace says summit was failure of epic proportions Amid doubt, disappointment and division, the world's governments came together in Rio on Friday to declare "a pathway for a sustainable century". At the close of the Rio+20 Earth Summit, heads of state and ministers from more than 190 nations signed off on a plan to set global sustainable development goals and other measures to...
‘Tendency to give women secondary status is responsible for female foeticide’-Mohammed Iqbal
-The Hindu Alarmed by reports of female foeticide, Rajasthan to adopt a new girl child policy Spurred by alarming reports of female foeticide continuing unabated across the State, the Rajasthan Government has initiated the process for adoption of a new girl child policy with emphasis on saving the female foetus as well as newborn girls. The policy will be the first of its kind anywhere in the country. Principal State Women & Chid...
More »Government school slams its doors on married girls-Mohamed Imranullah S
-The Hindu Fears that they would set a “bad example” to others Is there any bar on married girls pursuing their education in Class XI of a government school? This intriguing question has arisen in the minds of many people at Melur, a town situated about 20 km from Madurai, abutting the highway Leading to Tiruchi and Chennai. This year, the only government girls’ higher secondary school in the town denied admission to...
More »At Rio + 20, a “compromise” document evolves from consensus-Sunny Sebastian
-The Hindu The outcome document or the Rio+20 text — adopted after an informal and protracted debate by 191 member-nations, — took shape on the basis of consensus for its adaptation on Friday, even as the Leading spirits behind the document conceded that it was a “compromise.” Yet the much fought-over document, ‘Future we want,’ carries hope for the humanity and an assurance not to go back on the principles agreed upon...
More »Green Economy: India slams developed nations
-PTI India on Thursday said it is disappointed with the “weak” political will in developed countries to provide developing nations enhanced means of implementation of objectives of Green Economy, which will also be a “green-wash” if the process is not democratised. As around 100 world Leaders including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gathered in Rio de Janeiro for the Rio+20 Summit, India also firmly rejected unilateral measures and trade barriers under the guise...
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