-The Hindu Efforts of Jairam and Jyotiraditya to talk them out of it fail Dhanalakshmi, a 22-year-old from the Paliyar hill tribe of Tamil Nadu, is a long way from home. At 7 a.m. on Wednesday, she will join about 60,000 other landless poor, Adivasis and Dalits who have streamed into Gwalior from all parts of the country for a padayatra to the national capital, to present the demand that each of...
Survey to count Ganges river dolphins
-The Times of India A three-day programme for a headcount of river dolphins in the Ganges river will be carried out October 5-7 in and around Uttar Pradesh, officials said on Wednesday. The programme is also aimed at spreading awareness about the endangered mammal. "My Ganga, My Dolphin" is a joint effort between World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-India and the Uttar Pradesh forest department under the aegis of HSBC Bank. The...
More »UP to Conduct Dolphin Census
-Outlook A dolphin census will be carried out in all major rivers of Uttar Pradesh to estimate the population of the species. The census will be carried out for three days from October 5 by WWF India in collaboration with the Uttar Pradesh Forest department. The survey would be carried out in all major rivers in the state, including Ganga, Ken, Betwa, Yamuna, Chambal, Geruwa, Ghaghra and Son, covering a distance of approximately...
More »'India Inc Needs to Concentrate on Biodiversity' -G Diwakar
-Outlook India Inc is yet to take an active part in conserving biodiversity of the country even though it is engaged in climate change programme, said Braulio F de Souza Dias, the executive secretary, Convention on Biodiversity, Canada. He hoped that the Conference of the Parties (COP 11) to the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), scheduled to take place here between October 1 and 19, will help create more awareness among Indian corporate...
More »Midnight’s children-Purnima S Tripathi
-Frontline Members of denotified, nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes, treated as criminal tribes by the colonial rulers, have no place to call their own and no land, no rights, and no support from the government. Emaciated, eyes sunken deep into sockets, skin hanging loose, almost gasping for breath, Indro Devi and Sarvnath, a couple in their eighties, lie on polythene sheets in an 8×10 square-foot tent made of rags, by a stinking nullah...
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