-The Hindu RLD chief Jayant has chosen the wrong house, he says and hints that BJP is open to post-poll alliance. The BJP on Wednesday launched its big outreach programme to the Jat community of western Uttar Pradesh with Union Home Minister Amit Shah promising to “keep in mind” demands from the community for timely payment of sugar cane dues and reservation in jobs, but more importantly, keeping a door open for...
Dominant castes can’t digest Dalit progress. It’s why they attack reservation with propaganda -Anurag Bhaskar
-ThePrint.in According to a paper published by Brandeis University, challenges to reservation best represent the attack on the Dalit revolution. Due to Ambedkar’s struggle and contribution, the Constitution provided a new set of rights for Dalits. The provisions of representation in services and legislatures created new openings for Dalits. Reservation policies allowed Dalits upward economic mobility, and presence in educational institutions, which was earlier considered to be the monopoly and privilege of...
More »The devastating impact of school closure -Bhaskaran Raman
-The Hindu By closing schools for this long and providing just online education, we have violated children’s rights About three weeks ago, we all wished each other a happy 2022. However, that has remained wishful thinking with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 upending our lives. More than Omicron itself, which is more transmissible than Delta but far milder, the response to the variant in terms of the restrictions that have been imposed...
More »Unseasonal rainfall may damage crops, say Haryana growers -Neeraj Mohan
-Hindustan Times With Haryana receiving unseasonal rainfall accompanied by high-velocity winds over the last two days, farmers are worried that stagnant water may damage crops in low-lying areas Karnal: With Haryana receiving rainfall accompanied by high-velocity winds over the last two days, farmers are worried that stagnant water may damage crops in low-lying areas. As per the India Meteorological Department Haryana had received 12mm rainfall on Sunday, of which Panchkula received the maximum...
More »COVID-19: India’s total case tally reaches 3.95 crore
-The Hindu Tamil Nadu reports most number of deaths at 46, Punjab follows with 39 and West Bengal 37 The country recorded 2,34,650 new COVID-19 cases on Monday. The total number of infections has reached 3.95 crore and the active cases have crossed the 22.4-lakh mark. Please click here to read more. ...
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