Over two years after the issue rocked the state, Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee today again raised the issue of returning land to “unwilling” Singur farmers. The issue had compelled Ratan Tata to pull out from West Bengal with the ambitious Nano project. Referring to his September 2008 meeting at Raj Bhawan with Mamata Banerjee, the CM said, he is still ready to return 100 acres of land to the unwilling farmers and...
The ‘Radia’ctive Indian Media by Satya Sagar
There has been a gross simplification of the issues involved in the exposures in the Radia tapes on the lack of integrity among mediapersons. In order to understand how exactly journalists really function it is necessary to understand the overall context in which they operate and clarify some of the persistent myths about what the profession is all about. Four myths in particular need to be dissected: That it enjoins...
More »Shoring up public healthcare
The world's growing riches seem to make little difference to over 100 million people globally as they slide into poverty every year because of healthcare costs. One of the unsolved conundrums in many countries is the inability to provide for universal healthcare coverage, despite economic growth and development. While the financial consequences of illness are severe for many in poorer countries that do not have appropriate systems in place, those...
More »Revamping foodgrain policy by CSC Sekhar
THE issue of foodgrain management policy has assumed renewed importance with several reports in the media of large-scale wastage and diversion from the public distribution system (PDS). In a cogently-argued paper recently, Prof Kaushik Basu, a well-known economist and the chief economic adviser in the ministry of finance, has argued for foodgrain to be released in lots of much smaller size into the market, than is presently done by the...
More »Congress and economy
The economic resolution adopted by the All India Congress Committee at the Burari session is a reiteration of the party’s last two election manifestos. It combines a commitment to rapid economic growth with that to redistributive policies that would help make the growth process socially inclusive. There is a helpful explanation of the three sources of inflation — excess demand, improved prices to farmers and global commodity price inflation —...
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