-The Indian Express PM Modi said, “World Health Organisation has said that 3 lakh deaths of babies have been averted by the Swachh Bharat Mission." However, he overstated the facts, albeit by a small margin. New Delhi: When Prime Minister Narendra Modi referred to a World Health Organisation report lauding Swachh Bharat Mission for saving the lives of 3 lakh babies in his Independence Day speech on Wednesday, he had overstated the...
Radha Mohan Singh, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, interviewed by Richa Mishra (The Hindu Business Line)
-The Hindu Business Line New Delhi: Raising farm income could well be the agenda for 2019 general elections and well aware of this is the Narendra Modi government, which is leaving no stone unturned to lure this vote bank. Navigating this agenda for the government is Radha Mohan Singh, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. Aware of the challenges of the price sensitive market, Singh said, “agriculture markets cannot be...
More »Moong drops below MSP even as arrivals begin in N Karnataka -Vishwanath Kulkarni
-The Hindu Business Line Farmers want Govt to begin purchasing immediately Bengaluru: As the new kharif moong (green gram) hits the markets in North Karnataka, prices of the pulses crop are trading lower at around Rs.5,100 a quintal, much lower than the minimum support price of Rs.6,975 announced by the Centre. In fact, the prevailing prices in the State are also lower than last year’s support price of Rs.5,575/quintal, growers said, while demanding...
More »TISS report points to model shelter homes in Bihar -Amarnath Tewary
-The Hindu ‘Appreciative mechanisms for welfare of children living there could be replicated’. The social audit report by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), which exposed the sexual abuse of 34 minor girls at a State-run shelter home in Muzaffarpur, has also pointed out that there are at least seven shelter homes that could, in fact, be models for other such institutions in the State. The 100-page TISS report has not been...
More »Falling ridership forces Delhi Metro to find ways to bring back commuters -Sidharatha Roy
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In the last one year, lakhs of commuters have deserted the Delhi Metro. In order to know the reason why the numbers have fallen and to bring them back up, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation will soon commission a comprehensive study, which would not only provide reasons for the large number of people leaving the metro in the last one year, but also which modes of...
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