-The Hindu The lockdown period saw the state abdicating its responsibilities towards the welfare of pregnant Women In a shocking incident earlier this month, a pregnant woman died in an ambulance in Noida after being turned away from a number of private and government hospitals. This raises a chilling question for all of us: if this can happen somewhere so close to the nation’s capital, what is happening in the corners of...
How covid-19 locked out Women from jobs -Rukmini S
-Livemint.com From an already low base, Women’s employment has fallen further, and a recovery will be difficult A clutch of early studies on the impact of the lockdown on employment is showing that Women’s employment could be particularly badly hit. Given India’s record low female workforce participation rates, growing child care demands, and a looming recession, researchers fear that Women could be increasingly shut out of the productive economy. To estimate the impact...
More »Coronavirus lockdown: Unemployment hits Women harder than men
-Business Today Women who were employed before the lockdown were 23.5 percentage points less likely to be employed compared to men in the post-lockdown phase, says report Though coronavirus lockdown has impacted lakhs of Indians, a study shows that Women are the worst hit when it comes to job prospects. The research paper published by Ashwini Deshpande, professor of economics at Ashoka University, claims that Women who were employed before the lockdown...
More »What does self-reliance really mean? Amazing stories emerge from India’s villages -Ashish Kothari
-The Hindu True self-reliance won’t come from relentless industrialisation, but from localisation and decentralisation, as demonstrated by these remarkable stories of empowered rural communities Not so long ago, Dalit Women farmers in Telangana used to face hunger and deprivation. Today, they have contributed foodgrains for pandemic relief. Farmers on the Tamil Nadu-Karnataka border have been sending organic produce to Bengaluru even during the lockdown. And Adivasi villages in central India are using...
More »85% Domestic Workers Not Paid During Lockdown, Says Survey
-Newsclick.in The survey by the Domestic Workers Sector Skill Council (DWSSC) also stated that they are facing discrimination and stigma as employers doubt them of being carriers of the virus. The nationwide lockdown, announced to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, has exposed the dishonorable condition of informal workers, especially in cities. The conditions of domestic workers- most of them Women- have further been deplorable. A survey by the Domestic Workers Sector Skill Council (DWSSC)...
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