The case of Pushp steel and Mines reverberated in Chhattisgarh assembly, as the congress party attacked Chief Minister Raman Singh, asking him to divulge the name of the owner of the dubious firm that had been granted coveted mining rights in the state in violation of rules. The congress alleged the firm is covertly owned by a senior BJP leader. The persistent uproar finally led the speaker to adjourn the...
Land disputes hitting Indian infrastructure schemes
Protests against a proposed Indian nuclear power plant this weekend highlight a growing problem facing developers, experts say, as the country tries to upgrade or build much-needed infrastructure.Thousands of fishermen, farmers and their families in Jaitapur in western Maharashtra state turned out in force on Saturday to denounce the loss of homes and agricultural land, as well as voice fears about radiation and pollution.The long-running protest has already seen a...
More »Setback to Orissa’s Posco plea by Samanwaya Rautray
The Supreme Court has refused to stay for now an Orissa High Court judgment cancelling the state government’s clearance to Posco for a licence to scout for and mine iron ore. The high court order had come on a petition by a Bhubaneswar firm that claimed the state’s decision was “illegal” and “irrational” as the South Korean giant had been cleared out of turn. The licence would have allowed Posco to explore...
More »Mining industry unhappy over profit-sharing clause
The decision of the Group of Ministers (GoM) to force mining companies to share 26 per cent of their profits with local and project affected people hasn’t gone down well with the industry.Union Mines Minister B K Handique had said the Bill in this regard had been approved by the GoM.Hemant Nerurkar, managing director, Tata steel, said: “I don’t think that is the way forward. Look at the world: no...
More »India Deals Face a Reckoning by Geeta Anand
Jairam Ramesh, India's environment minister, will make a decision in the next week that could define the future of the country: whether to approve a $12 billion South Korean-owned steel plant, the largest potential foreign direct investment ever on the subcontinent. The plant, proposed by South Korea's Posco, has been in the works for years. It already has been cleared by the environment ministry, which Mr. Ramesh runs, and endorsed by...
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