Total Matching Records found : 11496

Rural women go the extra mile in walk for water

-The Hindustan Times Every second woman in rural India walked an average 173 kilometres - the distance between Delhi and Vrindavan - to fetch potable water in 2012, making her trek 25 kilometres longer than what it was in 2008-09. Data released this week by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), a ministry of statistics and programme implementation wing, gives two broad hints when compared with previous studies: economic...

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‘Rogue’ plan panel unit choked of funds -Chetan Chauhan

-The Hindustan Times The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO), which recommended the scrapping of its parent body, the Planning Commission, has found that its funding is being quietly choked. The IEO is an attached office of the Commission and receives money from it for conducting evaluation studies on different programmes of the government. On June 23, the IEO bit the hand that fed it: It made a report to the prime minister's office (PMO)...

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Mining will hit agriculturally-rich Tehri region, say villagers -Kavita Upadhyay

-The Hindu Dehradun: More than 500 villagers on Saturday protested against the stone crushers who have been licensed to mine the agriculturally-rich region of Tehri district's Maletha gram sabha. The memorandum given to Chief Minister Harish Rawat, on Saturday, read: "The stone crushers working in the area will [be the cause of dust and health problems which will] result in migration of the most of the people are completely dependent on...

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‘Small farmers will dominate Indian agriculture’

-The Hindu Hyderabad: Small, marginal farmers will continue to dominate Indian agriculture with their number and share in the holdings and cultivated area increasing. They will go in for improved crops and agricultural practices bearing the risks of rising costs, volatile commodity market and difficulties in accessing inputs. "Their role in the food security of the country is certain. But what is uncertain is their security," said Prof. D. Narasimha Reddy, ICSSR...

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Learning from NREGA -Jean Drèze

-The Hindu Business Line Corruption in NREGA works has steadily declined in recent years. There are important lessons here that need to be extended to other domains One neglected aspect of the debate on the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) relates to the process aspects of the programme. In the process of planning works, organising employment, paying wages or fighting corruption, many valuable activities take place: Gram Sabhas are held, workers...

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