Total Matching Records found : 8174

Import price of phosphatic & potash fertilisers raised

The government on Thursday raised the benchmark prices at which fertiliser companies and designated traders can import phosphatic and potash fertilisers with subsidy support so that farmers have uninterrupted supply of plant nutrients in the coming monsoon season despite higher global prices. The subsidy given to companies for making the commodity available to farmers, is computed based on the notified benchmark prices. The decision to raise the prices of imported di-ammonium...

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What ails public health research?

Why has the incidence of tuberculosis in India remained around 170 per 100,000 people for the last 20 years despite DOTS, the directly observed treatment strategy, being in place? Answer: DOTS is a passive system that kicks in only after a person takes the initiative and gets tested for the disease. Despite the high prevalence and mortality rate, researchers are yet to figure out a system that works proactively, identifying...

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EGoM to discuss proposed Food Security Bill today

An Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) on Food is scheduled to meet today to discuss the proposed National Food Security Bill and take a view on the suggestions made by the Sonia Gandhi-headed National Advisory Council (NAC) and Rangarajan Committee. According to sources, the Food Ministry will place the reports of both the NAC and the Prime Minister's panel headed by PMEAC Chairman C Rangarajan before the EGoM for guidance. The Rangarajan...

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Weeping wombs of Kasaragod by Jeemon Jacob

PREGNANT WOMEN in Kasargod district are fighting the endosulfan tragedy in their own way — by opting for abortion. A sacrifice conducted in silence, even a 10-year campaign against the chemical has not yet convinced the government to ban its use. Without the intervention of the welfare state, they are now released from the fear of death and chronic disease. They have seen enough. They have lost many in a short...

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‘Spraying of Endosulfan State-sponsored crime' by Roy Mathew

A rapid assessment of the effects of Endosulfan on cashew plantations, ecology, biodiversity and the people in Kasaragod, conducted by V.S. Vijayan of Salim Ali Foundation, has surmised that the human sufferings and loss of biodiversity caused by the aerial spraying of Endosulfan by the State-owned Plantation Corporation of Kerala in Kasaragod district would qualify as ‘State-sponsored crime'. The study said the State was duty-bound to provide total support to the...

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