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Green rating challenge

-The Telegraph The economic survey has challenged an international assessment that has ranked India 125, or near-bottom, among 132 countries on environmental performance, but has acknowledged that air pollution has increased to alarming levels. The survey, released by the Union government today, has questioned the methodology of the Environmental Performance Index 2012 that has assigned air quality in India a rank of 132, the worst in the world, and similarly low ranks...

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Union Budget 2012-13: NRHM gets higher allocation

-IANS The flagship National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government got a higher allocation of Rs.20,822 crore in the 2012-13 Budget presented on Friday.  Presenting his seventh budget in the Lok Sabha, finance minister Pranab Mukherjee announced the increase in the allocation for NRHM.  He also said the National Urban Health Mission was being launched. Under this scheme, the basic primary Health needs of the urban poor living...

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UN Health agency unveils new data to help countries reduce deaths from tobacco use

-The United Nations Tobacco use is responsible for five million or 12 per cent of all deaths of adults above the age of 30 globally each year, according to a United Nations report unveiled today, that for the first time provides estimated mortality rates attributable to tobacco for 2004, the year before the international treaty on tobacco came into force. The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) that came into force in...

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Subsidies a concern, action on diesel prices required

-The Business Standard   Major subsidies extended by the government are likely to jump to Rs 1,34,411 crore during 2011-12 The Survey has warned of deteriorating fiscal Health due to a mounting subsidy burden. The huge outgo over the past year has been largely on account of the global rally in crude oil prices, the fertiliser subsidy and state-controlled foodgrain prices, it said. It also blamed ‘coalition politics and federal considerations’ for holding...

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India to be a youngest nation by 2020 by Aarti Dhar

India will be one of the youngest nations by 2020 and this changing demographic condition, while providing great opportunities, could pose some challenges too, the Economic Survey 2011-12 has said. India is passing through a phase of unprecedented demographic changes, wherein the proportion of the working age population (15-59 years) is likely to rise from around 58 per cent in 2001 to over 64 per cent by 2021, according to the...

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