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India must “aggressively” address family planning needs: UNFPA-Nita Bhalla

-Reuters NEW DELHI (TrustLaw) - About 60 percent of Indian women have no access to family planning services, giving them little control over their bodies and slowing efforts to boost human development indicators, said the head of the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA). Human development indicators cover health, education and living standards. India, Asia's third-largest economy, is set to overtake China as the world's most populous nation by 2030. But, despite its impressive economic...

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Woman MP claims rough treatment by Gujarat police, cries in House

-The Times of India A tribal woman MP from Gujarat broke down in Lok Sabha on Wednesday alleging rough treatment by state police, triggering an outpouring of solidarity and demand for action from members across party lines. Dahod MP Prabha Kishore Taviad sat quietly as Congress leader Girija Vyas stood up to recount her tale, saying the hurt MP was not in a position to talk. Prabha was stopped by Gujarat police from...

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'Rickshaw Bank' concept changes lives of thousands of pullers-Amit Shanbaug

-The Economic Times It was just a ride in a cycle rickshaw that moved an Assam based veterinary surgeon, Dr Pradip Kumar Sarmah and got him thinking into setting up the concept of 'Rickshaw Bank'. The concept today has changed the lives of more than 10000 rickshaw pullers in six states in India. Dr Pradip Kumar Sarmah (47), the innovator of this concept, explained that majority of the rickshaw pullers drive rented...

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Sound and fury, signifying nothing-Shailaja Bajpai

News coverage of the Aarushi case, Sachin in Rajya Sabha, and the revelation of the Bofors whistleblower added little to the discussion Have you noticed that the hilarious news spoof, The Week That Wasn’t (CNN-IBN) bears an uncanny resemblance to every day’s TV news/ discussions? We’ll call it, the news that wasn’t. News. And it goes something like this: Monday, Nupur Talwar, denied bail, was jailed in Aarushi and Hemraj murder cases. All...

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Poison in India’s groundwater posing national health crisis-Nitin Sethi

Depletion of groundwater and its increasing pollution could be leading to a silent, nationwide public health crisis as aquifers in many stretches across India are becoming unfit for drinking, according to the government's own figures. Data submitted in Parliament by the water resources ministry on Monday shows groundwater in pockets of 158 out of the 639 districts has gone saline. It says in pockets across 267 districts, groundwater contains excess fluoride;...

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