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The Exodus of Finance from the Third World -Prabhat Patnaik This unwillingness of finance to stay in, or move to, the Third World, is impairing the ability of several countries to pay for their imports and to service their external debt. There is an exodus of finance from the Third World at present, far exceeding in scale what had occurred in 2008 after the financial crisis. Even more important than the actual outflow is the desire on the part of finance...

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For the sake of poor, hungry and working people, government shouldn't extend lockdown beyond 3rd May, insist food activists in their recent statement

-Press release by Right to Food Campaign dated 25th April, 2020 The Government of India imposed a nationwide lockdown on 25th March, 2020 for three weeks, which has now been extended till 3rd May, causing extreme economic distress, especially to the poor who are unable to earn their livelihood. Please click here to access the statement issued by Right to Food Campaign insisting on 'No Lockdown beyond 3rd May, 2020'. For more information,...

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Why Sitharaman’s 'Pulses For All' Promise Still Hasn't Been Implemented -Kabir Agarwal and Dheeraj Mishra New Delhi: On March 26, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that the government had decided that all ration card holders in India will be provided one kilogram of pulses every month starting April, for a period of three months. This was a part of the PM Garib Kalyan package – the Centre’s only relief measure so far to deal with the consequences of the lockdown for the poor. Almost a month...

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After COVID-19, India’s next challenge could be mega-sized locust attack this summer -Atul Aneja

-The Hindu It has the potential to cause a food security issue, say officials Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, India’s response to natural disasters is expected to be tested again this summer when a giant locust storm from the Horn of Africa is expected to attack farmlands in South Asia. Official sources told The Hindu that the government was preparing for a “two-front war”— one, which was ongoing against the COVID-19 infections and another...

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COVID-19: What fiscal steps are needed to ensure food security -Gurpreet Singh and Nilachala Acharya

-Down to Earth Procurement at the doorstep, direct income support and reaching out to farmers can help in easing farming operations at this crucial time The extension of the nationwide lockdown to combat the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), though necessary, will lead to a further suspension of work and no wages and means for families to support themselves. The activities in manufacturing and services, that provide non-essentials, may be suspended, though with serious...

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