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Is 'Right to Work' More Important Than 'Minimum Income Guarantee'? -Dunu Roy Various remedies are being suggested to tackle the growing rate of unemployment, but are they in tandem with the needs of the workers? Two issues were concealed under the din of elections. The first is the depth of the agrarian crisis with rising costs, falling prices and diminishing livelihoods. The second is the declining rate of employment in urban india, even within the informal sector, and the tumult among the youth...

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See SDGs as a policy framework, not as a document -Amitabh Behar

-Down to Earth To start work, the Sustainable Development Goals first need to be popularised by the new government The new government has to ensure that each one in the country is able to enjoy freedom and practices tolerance without fear. National security is no doubt significant, but it cannot be the country’s political narrative. india is riddled with problems such as extreme poverty, exploitation and inequalities, and does not need to...

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New government must work to improve health infrastructure -Banjot Kaur

-Down to Earth india’s GDP for health is less than 1.5 per cent and is one of the lowest in the world Health infrastructure, especially in the rural areas, is going to be one of the challenging tasks ahead for the new government. In its last tenure, it brought the Ayushman Bharat scheme — the government run health insurance programme — which was seen as a major health policy intervention. However, according...

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Electoral Bonds: The Illusion of Transparency -Kamal Kant Jaswal

-Economic and Political Weekly The introduction of electoral bonds is a retrograde measure that radically alters the transparency regime of electoral funding. By obscuring the identities of a bond’s purchaser and recipient from everyone but the State Bank of india, they give an unfair advantage to the party in power at the centre, undermine the Election Commission’s oversight role, and deprive the voters of their right to determine if the ruling...

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While all eyes were on elections, the government moved to overhaul environmental clearance rules -Mayank Aggarwal The suggested changes will weaken environmental clearance processes, favour industry, say experts. In April, as india was busy in the 2019 parliamentary elections, the central government moved to “re-engineer” the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006, which governs environment clearance for industrial projects. Experts who have analysed the zero draft (a first attempt at the draft) of the Environmental Impact Assessment notification 2019 opined that it weakens the existing notification and favours the...

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